Entry Bans for Foreigners Violating Legal Stay Rights in Turkey
Discover the entry bans imposed by Turkey on foreigners violating legal stay rights, including the conditions and durations of these bans, in our detailed guide.
Atty. Gökhan VURAL
9/13/20243 min read
Entry Bans Imposed by Turkey on Foreigners Who Violate Legal Stay Rights
Foreigners violating their legal stay rights in Turkey—such as visa, visa exemption, residence permit, work permit, or work permit exemption—are subject to entry bans based on the following principles:
1. Foreigners Not Subject to Entry Ban by Turkey
Despite violating their legal stay rights, foreigners who leave the country under the conditions outlined below are not subject to an entry ban by Turkey:
a. Foreigners who violate their legal stay rights for up to 3 months (not including 3 months), voluntarily come to border gates without being detected by the authorities, and pay the administrative fines incurred due to the violation.
b. Foreigners who violate their legal stay rights for up to 3 months (not including 3 months), are subject to a deportation decision, and come to border gates within the time granted to them to leave Turkey, and pay the administrative fines incurred due to the violation.
For foreigners in this category, the entry ban durations corresponding to the violation periods are as follows:
- Up to 3 months (not including 3 months): No entry ban
2. Foreigners Subject to Reduced Entry Ban by Turkey
Despite violating their legal stay rights, foreigners who leave the country under the conditions outlined below are subject to an entry ban by Turkey for a duration ranging from 1 month to 5 years:
a. Foreigners who violate their legal stay rights for more than 3 months (including 3 months), voluntarily come to border gates without being detected by the authorities, and pay the administrative fines incurred due to the violation.
For foreigners in this category, the entry ban durations corresponding to the violation periods are as follows:
- Violation between 3 months and 6 months: 1-month entry ban
- Violation between 6 months and 1 year: 3-month entry ban
- Violation between 1 year and 2 years: 1-year entry ban
- Violation between 2 years and 3 years: 2-year entry ban
- Violation over 3 years: 5-year entry ban
3. Foreigners Subject to Full Duration Entry Ban by Turkey
Foreigners violating their legal stay rights and leaving the country or being deported under the following conditions are subject to an entry ban by Turkey for a duration ranging from 3 months to 5 years:
a. Foreigners who voluntarily come to border gates to leave Turkey without being detected by the authorities but do not pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
b. Foreigners who violate their legal stay rights for up to 3 months (not including 3 months), are subject to a deportation decision, and are invited to leave Turkey but fail to do so within the granted time and/or do not pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
c. Foreigners who violate their legal stay rights for more than 3 months (including 3 months), regardless of whether they pay the administrative fines, are subject to a deportation decision and are invited to leave Turkey but fail to do so.
d. Foreigners who have their residence permit requests rejected or their residence permits canceled but fail to leave the country within the granted time, regardless of whether they pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
e. Foreigners who have their work permit requests rejected or their work permits canceled but fail to leave the country within the granted time, regardless of whether they pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
f. Foreigners who use the full stay rights provided by the visa or visa exemption under the "90 days within 180 days" rule but do not apply for a residence permit within 10 days despite being allowed to enter the country with this condition.
g. Foreigners who are subject to alternative obligations by termination of the administrative supervision decision, regardless of whether they pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
h. Foreigners deported under the supervision of authorized personnel, regardless of whether they pay the administrative fines incurred due to the legal stay rights violation.
For foreigners in this category, the entry ban durations corresponding to the violation periods are as follows:
- Violation up to 3 months: 3-month entry ban
- Violation between 3 months and 6 months: 6-month entry ban
- Violation between 6 months and 1 year: 1-year entry ban
- Violation between 1 year and 2 years: 2-year entry ban
- Violation over 2 years: 5-year entry ban
4. Foreigners Not Permitted Entry
Even if the duration of the imposed entry ban has expired, foreigners who do not pay the administrative fines and other public debts arising from legal stay rights violations and other legislative provisions are not permitted to enter Turkey until these fines and debts are paid.
For foreigners in this category, the entry ban durations corresponding to non-payment of fines are as follows:
- Non-payment of administrative fines: Entry ban until payment is made which expires in 5 years.
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